St Lukes


Tasmanian not-for-profit health insurer, St.LukesHealth, came to us with a brief for  an integrated brand campaign to challenge the way Tasmanians think, as part of the organisation’s ambitious vision to make Tasmania the healthiest island on the planet.

The campaign was the first of its kind for the industry, and for Tasmania, calling for a complete rethink of the community’s approach to health and wellness.

The objective

To create a disruptive brand campaign that went beyond generic health insurance advertising and reached as many Tasmanians as possible through multiple channels, to generate a meaningful and thought-provoking community discussion about the health of the state.

The approach

We wanted the campaign to speak personally to all Tasmanians, with a local tone of voice and humility. We knew that to inspire them to begin thinking about what a change in habit might mean for them and their families, it needed to look, feel and sound Tasmanian – the way the locals know it.

The campaign needed to tell a story about what Tasmania could like if we began to change our perspective, anchored in the grand ambition of making Tasmania the healthiest island on the planet. Far from being a lofty pipe-dream, we needed our idea to feel believable, relevant and achievable for everyday Tasmanians.

The execution

This is the story of Bella. A young girl growing up in Tassie with her family, learning the power of resilience, nutrition and movement. The connective tissue throughout the story depicts Bella working studiously on a drawing, revealed at the end to be a map of Australia with Tasmania on top.

The simplicity and power of such a provocative and optimistic image tells a story of hope and pride through the eyes of a young Tasmanian and how powerful a change of perspective can be. The upside-down map of Australia with Tasmania on top has become a symbol for the campaign and how Tasmania should view itself in the context of the rest of the country.

Partner credits:

Film production - SweetShop

Director - Jared Daperis

Music licensing - Charmed I'm Sure

Photography - Garth Oriander Photography

Media - OMD